CBD Hemp Oil

Half Hill Farm’s CBD hemp oils and salves are CO2 extracted and contain less than 0.3% THC. Each batch is tested by third-party independent labs to ensure quality and compliance.

Certificates of Analysis
Click the code below that matches the code on your bottle to view your certificate of analysis.

Our retail prices:

  • 500mg CBD full spectrum extract hemp oil (1 drop = 1 mg) – $38
  • 1000mg CBD full spectrum extract hemp oil (1 drop = 2 mg) – $69
  • 2500mg CBD full spectrum extract hemp oil (1 drop = 5 mg) – $149
  • 1000mg full spectrum CBD hemp salve (1 oz) – $48
  • 500mg CBD 0% THC CBD hemp oil (1 drop = 1 mg) – $32
  • 1000mg CBD 0% THC CBD hemp oil (1 drop = 2 mg) – $58
  • 2500mg CBD 0% THC CBD hemp oil (1 drop = 5 mg) – $128

50 thoughts on “CBD Hemp Oil

  1. Is this available at any headshops? I thought I may have seen it in Knoxville but I’m not positive on the brand name. I’d rather order it online if possible. I certainly don’t want to drive 8 hours round trip either.

    • Kitty, we are not available in any headshops, vape stores, etc. We are only available in health & wellness or local food & nutrition stores. We will post a short list soon!

  2. Is there a way to order your CBD products online? I’m a Tennessean and I’d prefer to support the our local farmers but your farm is over 2 hours away.

    • We ship phone orders. We are working on processing online orders and will post when that option is available.

    • We do not make or carry vape products at this time. I know it’s a popular way people want to consume it, but sorry we can’t help you with that.

    • Our full spectrum extract hemp oils are not flavored. There is nothing in them but industrial hemp. We do plan to have flavored products later, but these will remain as they are.

    • You will need to consult your doctor for dosing, but each drop is 2mg of CBD. Many people with chronic pain or inflammation will use 30mg per day.

    • Yes, these full spectrum extracts contain THC as stated on the label, and you can see the amount per batch on the lab reports. It is several times less than the state’s legal limit.

    • The product we make is a full spectrum extract and only contains oils from the hemp plant. We do not mix other oils or ingredients in our 500, 1000, and 2500 mg oils.

    • Wayne, you don’t take CBD by the percentage of volume or weight. You take CBD by the milligram – just like you don’t take 20% asprin or 20% vitamin C. You take both by an exact milligram serving, and you typically don’t care what percentage of the capsule is asprin or vitamin C.

      Makers who hide the total volume measure of CBD behind a percentage are simply trying to give you less for more. Be careful. What you want to do is take CBD by a known milligram. If a doctor told you that you needed 50 mg of CBD per day, you would never know how much you are getting if all you know from a bottle is the percentage concentration of CBD.

      Our 2500 mg bottle is roughly 20% CBD, and if you took 30 mg a day from that bottle, it would be the exact same as if you took 30 mg from our 1000mg bottle at a lesser percentage and the exact same from our 500 mg at an even lesser percentage. It just means the 2500mg bottle will last longer (3 months) than the 500mg bottle (15 days) at 30mg per day. That is how and why percentage concentration is meaningless.

  3. Christian,

    My wife has been diagnosed with Stage 3 Pancreatic cancer (adenocarcinoma). No metastasis has been detected. She is currently taking CBD/CBDA oil extract. Should it be safe for her to add Turkey Tail Mushroom extract and/or Reishi Mushroom Extract at the same time to boost her immune system? She just had her first chemo treatment on 11/5/18. Understanding that you’re not a doctor, what would you suggest? If it is okay to take both or all three TT, CBD/CBDA and Reishi? What would you recommend? Dosage?

    • We cannot give medical advice, but there are no known contraindicators for using Turkey Tail mushroom extract as an adjunct therapy in consultation with your doctor. Show your doctor the label and discuss it with them to know for sure.

    • They are neither. They are 0.5 oz bottles. You take this by the single drop, not dropper fulls of diluted product very often found in 1-2oz bottles designed to make it appear as though you are getting more. Our 2500mg, for example, would last 3 months at 30mg per day (just 6 drops a day).

  4. I am looking for something to assist with my mother with pain management. She is a Cancer patient with chronic pain and looking for something herbal to assist with appetite and pain. Which oil would you recommend? Can you recommend?

    • Angela, first, I would suggest consulting a doctor on how many milligrams per day she will need, but I would recommend our 2500mg simply because she will likely need a minimum of 50mg per day. That is 10 single drops a day for 50mg per day and will make the bottle last 50 days.

  5. Are there trial sizes of CBD oil? I want to try a single dose before I buy a whole bottle. I have food allergies and severe side effects from some medications.

    • Ken, We do have a 1000mg full spectrum extract CBD hemp salve we make ourselves and released today. You’ll see a post about it shortly, but it’s available now in our retail stores starting today :)

  6. My doctor said I should take CBD that is high in terpenes for anti inflammatory properties. Can you talk about that in relation to your CBD oil?

    • Kim, you will want a full spectrum extract using CO2 extraction. That is exactly how our product is made. You will want to avoid isolates (not that they are bad – it’s just they have low levels of terpenes). You will also want to prefer this extraction over an inferior alcohol solvent extraction.

  7. Do you have any products specifically for dogs or cats?

    I have a dog who has seizures and I give her cbd oil and melatonin along with her conventional medicine medication.

  8. Do you sell cbd oil for dogs? I have an 8 pound yorkie/maltese 2 yrs., old and need something to calm her down. Can you suggest one of your oils for her?

    • Yes! Our 500mg CBD bottle is formulated to 1mg per drop. You should be able to give them 5-10 drops per day, making the bottle last your 50-100 days.

  9. It would be very helpful if I knew exactly how much 1 drop was supposed to be. My last bottle I bought the dropper is marked but I have no idea how much 1 drop is. I use the 2500 mg and typically use it 4 times a day but my bottle only lasts 30 to 35 days so I know I’m using to much.

    • Lori, if you scroll up to the post on this page, we tell you all this information. You should see a chart as well as a list of each bottle and how many milligrams is in each drop. We tell you how many milligrams per drop, how many drops to take for various servings, and how long a bottle will last taking each. If you are asking how much is in a dropper, you will have to figure that out using the info we provide – the reason for that is everyone’s idea of what is a “dropper” amount varies depending on how much you squeeze into the dropper. Using the info we provide, you can easily count the drops of how much ever you use in a dropper, or spoon, or whatever you decide to measure your drops in. It’s all on this page. I hope that helps!

  10. I absolutely love your products. I’ve used everything from your full extract oil to salve and hemp flower. Kudos to your team. Been using for years and one cannot find better. Thinking about baking with it. What product would you suggest? An oil or flower that I can process myself (like FECO or RSO)? I’ll be seeing y’all soon. Keep up the good work! And thanx!

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