Events Calendar

Below are some calendared farm chores and events of interest to Half Hill Farm. You can add the calendar to your own by clicking the “+Google Calendar” at the bottom, or check back regularly to plan the next time we meet.

8 thoughts on “Events Calendar

  1. Do you allow people to pick apples on your property? If so, so you have any to harvest? I would like to bring my teen-aged daughter apple picking!

    Thank you.

    • Cindy, thank you so much for thinking of us for a nice family outting. Unfortunately we do not do pick your own at this time. Our trees are too new for that. Be sure to follow us on any of our social media links to see other opportunities with us!

  2. What time of the year do you buy the mushrooms logs if you are interested in growing mushrooms? Would love to get my husband one for Christmas if they are available. Thank you

  3. Just discovered benefits of red reishi for my symptoms of Morgellons. Will let you know results when I have completed bottle. Any other remedies? Please let me know!

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